Monday, November 24, 2008

Day 1

Just this morning I discovered that I am to be an alternate for the My Power Mall World Changer Reality Bootcamp, and while part of me is wondering what I have gotten myself into, the rest of me knows that this is exactly what I need to get moving in the direction that I want to go.

The first new thing is writing a blog. Until right this minute my experience with a blog is just about zero, and I'm not at all sure what to put in and what to be telling you about.

Right now I'm using library computers for my internet access, and it is being somewhat challenging getting the copies and CDs done that I'll be needing, but at last I think I've gotten at least a fill in solution. I'm getting settled in a new state, city and house, and by next week I should have internet service at home, and I can hardly wait; at least my computer is set up and I have an office work space available.

For now my start has been slow, but that is due for a quick change

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